
29 Mon
Northwest Tandem Rally – May 26th to May 29th, 2023 @ Carrie Blake Park
Northwest Tandem Rally – May 26th to May 29th, 2023 @ Carrie Blake Park
May 29 all-day
Northwest Tandem Rally - May 26th to May 29th, 2023 @ Carrie Blake Park
Northwest Tandem Rally Since 1986, the Northwest Tandem Rally has been bringing you premiere destination rides throughout Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and British Columbia. Drawing hundreds of tandem teams from around the nation, the rally is …
Victoria, BC Bike Week – May 29th to June 4th @ Victoria, British Columbia
Victoria, BC Bike Week – May 29th to June 4th @ Victoria, British Columbia
May 29 all-day
Victoria, BC  Bike Week - May 29th to June 4th @ Victoria, British Columbia
 This tri-annual FREE event (formerly Bike to Work Week) encourages anyone in the Capital Region to give cycling a try for one week.
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