ODT Eaglemount Fund: Blaze the Way to Discovery Bay

Connecting the Olympic Discovery Trail from Port Townsend to Port Angeles and all the way to the Pacific. The Peninsula Trails Coalition has been working toward this goal since 1988.

It’s time to get it done—and it will happen, but only with your help.

Our get-it-done goal: Blaze the way to Discovery Bay.

We’re calling it the Eaglemount section: a safe, scenic route from the end of the Larry Scott Memorial Trail to Highway 101 at the foot of Discovery Bay. The ODT Eaglemount Fund will allow the Peninsula Trails Coalition to help Jefferson County fill this 6-mile gap in the Olympic Discovery Trail, building a safer off-road connection toward Clallam County for pedestrians, cyclists, horseback riders, and wheelchair users.

In November 2015, Jefferson County commissioners added the ODT Eaglemount section to its six-year transportation plan. The first step is to complete a study by the end of April 2016 that identifies a likely route for the ODT Eaglemount section that takes people off busy and narrow Highway 20. This study is required when applying for construction funds. The PTC has identified likely funding sources for that step—but that’s just the beginning.

This is where YOU play a major role in making the connection.

With your help, the ODT Eaglemount Fund will help pay for important work, including :

  • Route finding.
  • Trail building, including trailheads, kiosks, signage, and other amenities.
  • Long-term maintenance once the connection is complete.

Let’s grow the ODT Eaglemount Fund to an initial goal of $50,000 and move the Olympic Discovery Trail closer to connecting Jefferson and Clallam Counties—at last! Bonus: We’re already $5,000 ahead, thanks to R&B band Freddy Pink and everyone who attended the big benefit concert in October!

Click here now to donate to the ODT Eaglemount Fund.

Together, we WILL make the connection.

THANK YOU for being part of the community that’s making the Olympic Discovery Trail vision a reality.

RESULTS: 4th Annual Turkey Trot 5K and Kid’s 1-Miler

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 4th Annual Turkey Trot 5K and Kid’s 1-Miler, hosted by Peninsula Trails Coalition and Jumping Mouse Children’s Center on Saturday, November 21! We’ll see you again on January 1 for the New Year’s Discovery 5K/10K at the Discovery Bay Golf Club. Register online now and save $5.

2015 Turkey Trot 5K Results

  1. Adam Carter 33 (M) 19:17
  2. Robert Bondurant 42 (M) 20:37
  3. Michelle Ring 36 (F) 22:51
  4. Andrew Fiske 40 (M) 23:01
  5. Paul Bergner 38 (M) 23:08
  6. Quinn Rogers 8 (M) 23:36
  7. Matt Steward 34 (M) 23:58
  8. Casey Finedell 37 (M) 24:18
  9. Katie Finedell 35 (F) 24:39
  10. Christine Hulburt 30 (F) 25:19
  11. Deyanira Noltemeier 51 (F) 25:22
  12. Bart Kale 59 (M) 25:49
  13. Joe Mattern 42 (M) 26:09
  14. Emily Stewart 31 (F) 26:30
  15. Jessinah Simas 28 (F) 27:30
  16. Amanda Thieroff 31 (F) 27:41
  17. Joanne Mackey 46 (F) 28:18
  18. Henry Manza 13 (M) 28:19
  19. Noah Ring 9 (M) 28:32
  20. Sienna Wakatsuki 32 (F) 28:39
  21. Selena Sena Hopkins 30 (F) 28:40
  22. Zia Bell Plum Magill 9 (F) 29:57
  23. Frank Magill 54 (M) 29:58
  24. Lori Cady 50 (F) 30:32
  25. Julie Knott 52 (F) 30:33
  26. Sebastian Manza 10 (M) 30:48
  27. Megan S 47 (F) 30:53
  28. Sara Johnston 29 (F) 31:06
  29. Kate Burke 54 (F) 31:08
  30. Richard Sepler 59 (M) 32:17
  31. Skyar Stekly 13 (M) 33:13
  32. Alex Baker 43 (M) 34:17
  33. Kathryn Marshal 33 (F) 34:18
  34. Jakob Miller 11 (M) 34:19
  35. Kaleen Steinke 36 (F) 35:57
  36. Michelle Drake 36 (F) 36:37
  37. Dan Ring 38 (M) 37:02
  38. Larry Coupe 62 (M) 37:37
  39. Laura Gallo 48 (F) 38:08
  40. Calah Tenney 41 (F) 38:39
  41. Ahni Fiske 8 (F) 38:40
  42. Noah Fiske 11 (M) 38:57
  43. Sarah Rubenstein 34 (F) 38:57
  44. Sarah McNulty 41 (F) 38:58
  45. Shelly Randal 39 (F) 39:00
  46. Lavandar Fulton 36 (F) 39:01
  47. Toby Fulton 10 (M) 41:05
  48. Laurel Vagts 38 (F) 41:29
  49. James Miller 10 (M) 41:30
  50. Erik Johnston 31 (M) 42:00
  51. Samuel Vierra 17 (M) 42:01
  52. Tim Vagts 59 (M) 44:19
  53. Derek DePas 11 (M) 46:12
  54. Robin Garing 24 (F) 46:12
  55. Jan Garing 61 (F) 46:13
  56. Glenda Hultman 70 (F) 47:58
  57. Richard DePas 48 (M) 47:58
  58. Selby DePas 46 (F) 49:47
  59. Destrel Campbell 5 (F) 49:48
  60. Xeo Campbell 40 (F) 49:49
  61. Kathryn Lamka 69 (F) 50:48
  62. Kelly O’Connell 57 (F) 50:49
  63. Mary Sepler 56 (F) 50:51
  64. Bonnie Stenehjem 59 (F) 50:52
  65. Amber Arnold (Lance) 27 (F) 51:34
  66. Vanessa Herold 35 (F) 53:07
  67. Wendy Davis 46 (F) 53:09
  68. Brent Davis 44 (M) 53:09
  69. Sarah Davis 29 (F) 53:10
  70. Sharon Senner 40 (F) 53:46
  71. Olivia Reiber 36 (F) 53:47
  72. Symbolyn Sebastian 40 (F) 54:12
  73. Roost Campbell 42 (M) 54:14
  74. Coe Hutchison 62 (M) 54:15
  75. Janet Hutchison 62 (F) 54:16
  76. Rose Horvath 78 (F) 55:16
  77. Candida Carter 41 (F) 1:06:15

2015 Turkey Trot Kid’s 1-Miler Results

  1. Iris Mattern 9 (F) 7:57
  2. Noah Isenberg 7 (M) 8:18
  3. Gabe Ring 11 (M) 9:50
  4. Sol Kenedy 5 (M) 10:08
  5. Indy Rogers 5 (M) 10:51
  6. Cannon Rogers 7 (M) 11 :51
  7. Aida Carter 9 (M) 14:04
  8. Genevieve Rogers 4 (F) 14:19
  9. Grace Ring 2 (F) 14 :30
  10. Willow Parvati 7 (F) 14:56
  11. Mia Carter 11 (F) 16:48

ODT Closer to Completion: Jefferson County Commissioners Approve Study

On November 16, 2015, the Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) took a crucial step toward completing a vital missing link in the Olympic Discovery Trail (ODT).

On Monday afternoon, the BOCC voted unanimously to authorize a feasibility study to establish the route for the ODT/Eaglemount Trail, bypassing State Road 20 (SR20) from Four Corners Road to U.S. Highway 101 at the head of Discovery Bay. The authorization was performed by way of adding the study project to the county’s Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP).

The Olympic Discovery Trail will ultimately be a 126-mile multipurpose nonmotorized trail running from Port Townsend to the Pacific via Discovery Bay Village, Gardiner, Blyn, Sequim, and Port Angeles. About 70 miles of the ODT have been built, and another large section on the north side of Lake Crescent is nearing completion. The six-mile Eaglemount section is the longest part of the trail that has not yet been planned, largely because of daunting topographical challenges.

Jefferson County, the City of Port Townsend, and the Port of Port Townsend have completed the Larry Scott Memorial Trail from Port Townsend to Discovery Road, and the county is about to start construction of the Discovery Bay South Trail from Old Gardiner Road to Snow Creek at the head of the Bay. But the crucial connection between those two trails has remained undeveloped, leaving hikers, cyclists, and others to transport themselves on the highway—putting themselves and motorists at risk.

In September 2015, Sergeant John Ryan, of the Washington State Patrol’s Port Angeles Detachment, wrote to Jefferson County, “My troopers regularly patrol SR20, often observing cars, logging trucks, loaded chip trucks, motorhomes, trucks with trailers, etc., trying to navigate SR20 over Eaglemount while dealing with bicyclers and hikers and oncoming traffic. I myself was assigned to Jefferson County from 1999 to 2003 and patrolled SR20 often, so I know firsthand how dangerous it is. For the safety of everyone—both motorists and nonmotorists—we encourage inclusion of a feasibility study of a recreational trail alternative in the county’s TIP.”

The Olympic Discovery Trail shares the Eaglemount section with the federal Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail (PNNST), the newest addition to the National Scenic Trails network. The PNNST was established in 2009 as a result of legislation sponsored by former Rep. Norm Dicks and Sen. Maria Cantwell. Now in private practice, Dicks has been working with state and federal officials, including Reps. Derek Kilmer and Steve Tharinger, Washington State Department of Transportation, and Washington State Department of Natural Resources, to support Jefferson County in planning and ultimately building the trail.

“PNNST hikers, bicyclists, mobility-impaired persons, bike-touring groups, and motorists will all be safer, healthier, and happier with a trail bypassing SR20,” Dicks said. ”And a completed world-class ODT should be great for the economy.”

Jeff Selby, vice president of the Peninsula Trails Coalition, says the next step is to fund the study. His organization hopes to accomplish that soon, with the goal of completing the study within the next four months so that grant funding to build the first section(s) can be applied for in May 2016.

“The schedule is tight, but now that this crucial first step has been taken by Commissioners Johnson, Kler, and Sullivan, we can move ahead—after working toward this for 25 years,” Selby said. “Everyone should thank the commissioners, the county administrator, and the county’s Public Works Department for what they have done.”

2015 Election: The PTC Polls Local Candidates


From the desk of Peninsula Trails Coalition President Jeff Bohman: 

As the Olympic Discovery Trail becomes an increasingly important element of our tourism, recreation, transportation, and personal-health economy, the involvement and leadership from the jurisdictions through which it passes also becomes increasingly important. With that in mind, each election season, the Peninsula Trails Coalition surveys the candidates on a few key questions relating to the trail.

This year, we surveyed all general election candidates in seven jurisdictions. (There is no election this cycle for Jefferson County commissioner.) Many candidates chose not to respond—and we will continue to advocate with them regardless—but those who did respond took consistently supportive positions regarding the trail.

We encourage you to consider these responses as you make your voting decisions. The Peninsula Trails Coalition counts on you to join with us as continuing advocates with all elected officials for their support and assistance in the completion and maintenance of the Olympic Discovery Trail.

Click here to download and read the candidates’ responses (PDF) >>

Freddy Pink Benefit Concert: R&B for the ODT


Freddy Pink, the Pacific Northwest’s premiere R&B band, has generously stepped up to help organize a big show to benefit the Peninsula Trails Coalition and its work on the Larry Scott Memorial Trail in Port Townsend.

Join us on October 17, beginning at 5 pm, at the McCurdy Pavilion in Fort Worden. Bid on cool stuff in the silent auction, including a biplane ride with local pilot and ODT fan Summer Martell. Feast on killer barbecue, enjoy adult beverages, and rock your ever-loving socks off. $20 suggested donation at the door.

Click here to view the latest list of silent auction items generously donated by local businesses.

Here’s a sampling of Freddy Pink. FIRE-BREATHING HORNS!

President’s Message: Winter 2014

New Year, New Logo! 

We’re thrilled to unveil our first-ever Peninsula Trails Coalition (PTC) logo. While there has always been an Olympic Discovery Trail (ODT) logo, this may well be an even bigger step. It heralds our ongoing commitment to growing the PTC into the visible, effective organization we all need it to be to provide for the completion of the ODT and its enduring protection and maintenance. We hope you like it as much as we do.

We are pleased about the very gratifying results of our Fall Membership Drive. I want to take this occasion to thank all of you members, donors, and volunteers for your continuing support of the ODT and PTC. We hope you consider further support, which will enable us to be well-prepared for what we expect will be a busy 2015 (more about that next time).

Some of you have expressed concerns over the November 2014 Election Day results and what it may mean for continuing progress toward completion of the ODT. I believe we can say with full confidence that the progress yet to be made is too substantial, too important, too visible, and too widely supported to be impeded. We have every reason to expect the same ongoing leadership from both Clallam and Jefferson counties that we have enjoyed for the past 20-plus years. The PTC’s foremost role has always been to be the advocate for keeping leadership focused on the vision. You can count on us to continue doing exactly that.

Stay warm and have fun on the trail!

—Jeff Bohman, President, Peninsula Trails Coalition

ODT in the News: “An Expanding Wonder”

Have you ever wondered, while running, biking, or walking your dog along the Olympic Discovery Trail, how it all came to be? Our friends at the Kitsap Sun dug into the trail’s history, spoke to folks who enjoy the trail for recreation or commuting, PTC president Jeff Bohman and local leaders who work together to add more miles, some of the many volunteers who maintain the trail, and one of the three original founders who came up with this Big Idea in the first place.

You might be surprised to read how challenging it was to convince people that a multiuse trail would bring great things for the communities it travels through!

Read Terry Gleich’s article “Olympic Discovery Trail an Expanding Wonder” in the Kitsap Sun >>

Vaudeville Etiquette Concert, Win a Biplane Ride!


Live: Vaudeville Etiquette, Americana roots rock from Seattle. 
Olympic Cellars Winery, August 22, 7:00 p.m. 
Awesome Door Prize: Vintage Biplane Ride! 

Enjoy an evening of music and wine under the stars at Olympic Cellars Winery while supporting the Peninsula Trails Coalition. Doors open at 6 p.m. Bring a lawn chair. Local food vendors will be onsite with food available for purchase.

Olympic Cellars says, “With their signature blend of Americana roots rock, dynamic Seattle quintet Vaudeville Etiquette fills timeless melodies with modern lyrics, heady harmonies, and a wailing pedal steel. Their live performances are magnetic, diving fearlessly from energetic anthems to wistful ballads and back again.”

Click here to buy your tickets before they sell out!


This show benefits the PTC/ODT, but we need volunteers to help with parking, wine pouring, ticket taking, etc. In return, you’ll get free wine and concert admission! Email John Dolansky at cyclingcpa@aol.com to volunteer.



One lucky concertgoer will win a ride with local pilot Summer Martell in her fully restored 1932 Student Prince biplane! Fly out of Port Townsend and enjoy the scenery during a 20- 30-minute flight. Fine print: Date to be arranged by winner; one winner/passenger only; flight originate from Port Townsend Airport and flies within 30 to 50 miles of airport.

2015 New Year’s Discovery 5K/10K Results


Happy New Year! Thanks to all 131 participants who came out for the 2015 New Year’s Discovery Run/Walk, and a special thanks to our volunteers from the Peninsula Trails Coalition, and especially to our sponsors:

Jefferson Healthcare
Discovery Bay Golf Club
CI Digital Media (ODT Website)
Evergreen Fitness
Port Townsend Food Co-Op: Fruit, Gift Certificates
Jefferson County Parks & Recreation
QFC, Hadlock: Bottled water
Metro Bagels: Bagels, Gift Certificates
Sport Townsend: Gift Certificates

Full results of the New Year’s Discovery 10K:(Place/Name/Age/Gender/Time)

1. Ian Fraser (40) M 35:07
2. Bryn Carlson (17) F 39:52
3. Don Young (51) M 40:19
4. Liam Henebry (24) M 42:51
5. Joel Mackey (18) M 45:28
6. Mark Streett (18) M 45:59
7. Michael Cassella-Blackburn (57) M 47:32
8. Amelia Grant (15) F 49:03
9. Jesse Cobell (26) M 49:12
10. Don Winter M 49.51
11. Robert Foster (59) M 50:12
12. Mark Grant (53) M 50:15
13. Alice Fraser (36) F 50:25
14. Shawn Hines (43) F 50:34
15. Robert Binschadler (65) M 50:35
16. Howard Teas (66) M 50:45
17. Seamus Fraser (12) M 51:45
18. Susie Keefer (34) F 52:31
19. Giles Mougel (60) M 53:05
20. Caleb Anderson (21) M 54:19
21. Linda Carson (65) F 54:26
22. Bobbi Chapman (50) F 54:28
23. Jackie Kane (24) F 54:38
24. Janeann Twelker (61) F 55:02
25. Steven Brown (61) M 55:03
26. Todd Hulbert (42) M 57:09
27. Dawn Streett (52) F 57:10
28. Karen O’Meara (55) F 57:32
29. Thomas Grittis (57) M 57:33
30. John Colden (32) M 57:48
31. Jake Meyer (68) M 58:27
32. Dave Anderson (61) M 58:59
33. Joyce Foster (61) 59:02
34. Kevin Alexander (36) M 59:02
35. Deynaira Noltemeier (50) F 59:04
36. Elizabeth Hart (42) F 59:21
37. Peter Brazil (27) M 59:22
38. Krista Mudge (30) F 59:26
39. Lindsey Johnson (33) F 1:00.09
40. Chris Reinhardt (38) M 1:02.29
41. Nick Badge (66) M 1:02.31
42. No name M 1:02.40
43. No name F 1:03.49
44. No name M 1:04.03
45. No name F 1:06.35
46. Ronda Anderson (45) F 1:06.36
47. Amy Petrotta (58) F 1:08.10
48. John Petrotta (60) M 1:08.29
49. Gary Huff (69) M 1:08.30
50. Nancy Richards (71) F 1:08.33
51. Karen Dermody (49) F 1:09.05
52. Beth Young (53) F 1:09.53
53. Bethany Smith F 1:10.43
54. Rachel Wiley (23) F 1:11.03
55. David Peterson (62) M 1:15.01
56. Dennis Kelley (66) M 1:23.09
57. Thrreen Smith (43) F 1:24.55
58. Michelle Thivierge (32) F 1:30.03
59. Janet Long (59) F 1:40.11
60. David Alvarez (57) M 1:40.12
61. Judy Chapmann (53) F 1:41.20
62. Greg Enstrom (62) M 1:41.22
63. Cindy Enstrom (58) F 1:42.27
64. Jani Myhre (64) F 1:42.28
65. Elma Beary (67) F 1:59.25
66. Lynn Nowak F 1:59.26
67. Noreen McCarron F 1:59.26
68. Jane Kurata (65) F 1:59.27

Full results of the New Year’s Discovery 5K:

1. Ryan Blaser (24) M 22:19
2. Emily Cobell (23) F 26:50
3. No name M 28:51
4. Tate Munich (15) M 28:51
5. Kurt Munich (50) M 28:52
6. Faith Wiulheim F 28:55
7. Sarah Arsenoff (25) F 29:47
8. No name F 37:01
9. Ali Mcmahon (39) F 37:32
10. Joyce Holly (32) F 38:06
11. Eric Twelker M 38:35
12. Tiare Bailey (58) F 40:28
13. Sarah Bacica (61) F 40:34
14. Ivan Bacica (66) M 40:35
15. Patricia Pyles (55) F 44:45
16. Sharon Bodkin (72) F 45:24
17. Gina Albright (35) F 46:35
18. Teresa Dolton (52) F 46:40
19. Elaina Harland (30) F 46:41
20. Ric Catron (61) M 46:44
21. Sym Sebastian (40) F 47:38
22. Eric Jacobson (41) M 48:52
23. Zoe Ann Lamp (55) F 48:53
24. Bruce Laurie (68) M 49:02
25. Peggy Tonan (64) F 49:48
26. Lois Sherwood (64) F 49:50
27. Mary Weeding (66) F 51:11
28. Sheila Murphy (61) F 51:12
29. Rita Hubbard (61) F 51:14
30. Karen Dee Moegling (56) F 51:14
31. Sherri Anderson (62) F 51:36
32. Sarah Floerchinger (37) F 51:37
33. Rylee Floerchinger (9) F 51:44
34. Michael Chapman (51) M 54:2
35. Maricyn Mitchell (77) F 54:20
36. Rod Mitchell (77) M 54:23
37. Toni Davidson (59) F 54:29
38. Susanne Feller (57) F 55:00
39. Dana Africa (61) F 55:37
40. Sam Vickers (75) M 56:25
41. Kelly O’Connell (57) F 57:30
42. Richard Conrad (67) M 57:31
43. Mary Novak (63) F 58:17
44. Gary Novak (65) M 58:17
45. Patrick Pyles M 58:29
46. Tony DeLeo (65) M 58:49
47. Vanessa Scee (26) F 58:59
48. Jay Norberg (60) M 59:01
49. Skyla Watkins-Castil F 1:00.08
50. No name M 1:01.02
51. No name F 1:01.04
52. No name M 1:01.37
53. No name F 1:01.56
54. Laura O’Neil (54) F 1:02.19
55. Susis Schneider (60) F 1:02.26
56. Coop Cooper (74) M 1:02.27
57. Mary Kimball (65) F 1:03.56
58. James Blagdon (54) M 1:06.58
59. Lu Goodrum F 1:11.04
60. Mark Schecier (65) M 1:12.45
61. Mary Critchlow (60) F 1:24.55
62. Jo Tiffany (66) F 130.03

Top Three Overall 10K Finishers:
Men: 1. Ian Fraser, 2. Don Young, 3. Liam Henebry
Women: 1. Bryn Carlson, 2. Amelia Grant, 3. Alice Fraser

10 K Age Group Winners:
Under 15: 1. Seamus Fraser
15-19 Men: 1. Joel Mackey, 2. Mark Streett
15-19 Women: 1. Bryn Carlson, 2. Amelia Grant

20-24 Men: 1. Liam Henebry, 2. Devon Winter, 3. Caleb Anderson
20-24 Women: 1. Jackie Kane

25-29 Men: 1. Peter Brazil
(No women in this age group.)

30-34 Men: 1. John Colden
30-34 Women: 1. Susie Keefer, 2. Krista Nudge, 3. Lindsey Johnson

35-39 Men: 1. Kevin Alexander, 2. Chris Reinhardt
35-39 Women: 1. Alice Fraser

40-44 Men: 1. Ian Fraser, 2. Todd Hulburt
40-44 Women: 1. Shawn Hines, 2. Elizabeth Hart

45-49 Women: 1. Ronda Anderson, 2. Karen Dermody
(No men in this age group.)

50-54 Men: 1. Don Young, 2. Mark Grant
50-54 Women: 1. Dawn Street, 2. Deyanira Noitemeier, 3. Beth Young

55-59 Men: 1. Michael Cassella-Blackburn, 2. Robert Foster, 3. Thomas Grittis
55-59 Women: 1. Karen O’Meara, 2. Amy Petrota

60-64 Men: 1. Howard Teas, 2. Giles Mougel
60-64 Women: 1. Janeann Twelker, 2. Joyce Foster

65-69 Men: 1. Robert Bindschadler, 2. Jake Meyer, 3. Nick Barge
65-69 Women: 1. Linda Carson

70-74 Women: 1.) Nancy Richards
(No men in this age group.)

Note: No age group awards for the 5K.

2015 Longest Day of Trails 5K, 10K, Half Marathon


Runners! Celebrate the summer solstice and support the Peninsula Trails Coalition at the Longest Day of Trails 5K, 10K, and Half Marathon.

  • Saturday, June 20, 2015.
  • Port Townsend Boat Haven, 2601 Washington Street, on the Larry Scott Memorial Trail.
  • Races begin at 9 a.m. Three-hour time limit for the half marathon.

The Course: Flat and fast out-and-back course on the scenic Larry Scott Memorial Trail—a wide, well-maintained multiuse path. The surface is primarily fine hard-packed crushed gravel and a quarter-mile section of asphalt. The Larry Scott is the eastern gateway to the Olympic Discovery Trail. All distances are USATF certified.

Awards: Overall and age-group awards for top female and male finishers.

Click here to register online for just $25 >>

Day-of-race registration is $30.

Longest Day of Trails raises money and awareness for our trail caretakers while keeping the health of Jefferson County community members in our sights. Its primary goal is to raise money for nonprofits that take care of the Larry Scott Memorial Trail, part of the Olympic Discovery Trail and its easternmost gateway. LDoT’s secondary goal is to get people moving in a safe and fun way while enjoying our beautiful peninsula.

Download and display the 2015 Longest Day of Trail 5K, 10K, Half Marathon Flyer (pdf) >>