About Us

The Peninsula Trails Coalition coordinates with and supports the 14 federal, state, county, city and tribal jurisdictions who are the public owners responsible for segments of the Olympic Discovery Trail.

The PTC also:

  • Advocates for uniform route selection and construction standards for all segments of the trail.
  • Maintains an email database to reach the membership with “breaking news”.
  • Coordinates with and supports major connecting trails, such as the Sound to Olympics Trail and the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail.
  • Solicits and manages donated funds which are used to support construction and maintenance of the trail.And, perhaps most importantly
  • We manage extensive volunteer-based trail construction and maintenance projects.Today, the PTC can call on better than 150 volunteers to help.Volunteers manage projects including:
  • Construction and updating, of all the railroad trestles along the route, including 3 that are over 400 feet long, with new decking, railings, and ramps.
  • Route construction varying from preliminary brushing and flagging, clearing and staking, to complete construction of trail sections including the installation of signs and bollards.
  • Creation of trail heads with landscaping, built fences, and installed sanicans.

Our Mailing Address:

Peninsula Trails Coalition
P.O. Box 1836
Port Angeles, WA 98362

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