Support the ODT – Take the Washington State Transportation Survey
Let WSDOT know how you love to walk, run & ride your Olympic Discovery Trail. Their funding is critical to completing the off road construction & maintenance of the ODT!
What you’ll find on the ATP information page:
Survey in English and other languages as translations are complete: Take this by June 30.
Why your input matters:
- Because decisions about how our streets and roads can work well for everyone start with your involvement.
- Because nothing gets funded, designed, and built without being in some plan, somewhere. (This means you need to get involved in your local and regional plans, too—we start with those.)
- Because our state plan shapes how we work with our partners in the towns and regions where you live and move around every day.
- Because good connections for people walking and rolling make the system work better for everyone, including people who drive.
If you want to share this with people as a print version you can create a PDF copy at the link. Mail completed surveys to: Active Transportation Division c/o Jan Spaar, WSDOT, 401 2nd Ave., Seattle WA 98104
- ATP E-News subscription link: Occasional emails about what’s happening in the planning process
- WSDOT Walk and Roll subscription link: 2-3 emails/month on topics related to active transportation in Washington state including grants, trainings, technical information, local/regional news round-up in addition to Active Transportation Plan news
- Link to request electronic materials or ask if a speaker can come to your event
Shareable text for social media (a quick copy/paste into Facebook and/or Twitter and you’re helping the plan):
If you live and move around in WA state take the survey for the State Active Transportation Plan. In English; other languages will be linked at and you can sign up for ATP news there. #WSDOTactive #WAtranspo
The Washington State Active Transportation Plan update needs you to connect people with the process. Tell your friends and neighbors, share links in social media, forward this email to your contacts.